News and What's New
On The Site 2010

It is intended to use this page to keep you updated on what's going on, what past squadron members have been located and, what has been added or changed since your last visit.

The Site is searching for 4050th APS, 814th APS/CDS/SPS and 99th SPS Patches. If you, or some one you know, are/is willing to sell and or donate a 4050th APS, a 814th APS/CDS/SPS or a 99th SPS patch please contact the Site Webmaster: [here]

Archived 2007 entries can be found [Here]

Archived 2008 entries can be found [Here]

Archived 2009 entries can be found [Here]

"what's new in 2010."

December, 2010


Charles Pitts send in three more photos of his Squadrons F-102's They will be up on the photos from the past page 2 soon.


The first security veteran to sign in from the 76th FIS's own CDS/APS Squadron is Charles E. Pitts. Charley sent in his Westover history On December 22, 2010 along with a great photo of a 76th FIS F-102 at hanger #9. Welcome to the site Charley you are an important addition to the Squadron's history. The F-102 photo will be posted on page two of "fotos from the past' soon.


I believe that the Veterans listing of those that honorably served in any of the Security Squadrons protecting Westover AFB prior to its deactivation, and has sent in their information, is now up to date. In the event I have missed anyone please contact me by e-mail with the particulars and I will do my best to get the information posted as soon as I can. Reminder!, for those that have answered the questionare but have yet to send in a photo please concider doing so.

November, 2010


Alexander L. Csiga, Jr. 814th CDS 1963 to 1966. Welcome Alexander. Alex has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC).


Robert S. Shultz 814th CDS: Dec - 1962 to Aug. 1966: Bob filled out the questionnaire from the website and sent in his information along with several photos. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site Bob; you and I were in the same flight (B Flight). As always, we ask (I keep asking but not too many guys respond) that if you have any additional memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so they can be added to the site. Please let me know if you have an individual military photo or a photo in which you are identifiable so that I can place it on your biography page.


Lots of catching up to do. The following named Airmen have sent in their data and will be listed as soon as possible.

Spry, Stephen C. Dates served at Westover: Sept. 1969 to Oct. 1971. Served with the 99th SPS.

Beauchesne, Daniel G. Dates served at Westover: 1964 to 1966. Served with the 814th CDS.

Gauthier, Roger K. Dates served at Westover: 1973 to 1975. Served with the 99th SPS.

Curran, Robert Dates served at Westover: Nov. 1963 to May 1965. Served with "C" Flight 814th CDS.

Fuse, Joseph R. Dates served at Westover: Feb. 10, 1961 to Sept. 30, 1964. Served with the 814th CDS.

Hoke, Joseph F. Dates served at Westover: 1962 to 1965. Served with the 814th CDS.

October, 2010

September, 2010


Anyone who has checked the site could have noticed that there has been a lack of activity posted for this month. It's not because there hasn't been Westover CDS veterans sending in their information. It is because your webmaster (me) has had a run of ill health and lets leave it at that. I will do my best to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible but don't hold your breath.

August, 2010


The following Westover Veterans have been added to the growing list of located past members of our Squadron(s).

Bob Hartter: member of the 814th CDS. Bob was stationed at "The Notch" from Aug. 1960 to Feb. 1963

Leon R. Casper: member of the 814th CDS "B" Flight From Feb. 12th 1964 to Jul. 16th 1965

Donald Hodge: Don served with the 99th SPS from 1971 - 1972


Well, it's a little later than August 11th but we are back home. Thanks for your patience. I will do my best to post the items that came in while we were without access to a computer. It was great to get away for a while but it's even better to be home again. Give me a day or two and I'll get caught up.


The staff of (my wife and I) will be taking a week or two off for some well needed R&R. Please keep the emails and Squadron information coming in and we will get to it when we return. Which will be no later than August 11th.

July, 2010


Anthony (Tony) Frisco 814th CDS 1958 to 1962: Tony filled out the questionnaire from the website and sent in his information. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site Tony; you and I were in the same flight. As always we ask (I keep asking but not too many guys respond) that if you have any memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so they can be added to the site.


Thanks to Mark Buckner and Harrison Wilde There have been three new photos added to "Photos From The Past Page 2." Take the time to check them out.


Emil (Ed) Chando 814th 1959 to 1965: Ed filled out the questionnaire from the website and sent in his information. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site Ed. As always we ask (I keep asking but not too many guys respond) that if you have any memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so they can be added to the site.


Richard Bannon 814th CDS November 1961 - December 1962: The site was recommended to Richard by 814thCDS Veteran Tom FitchThanks Tom for getting the word around. Richard filled out the information on the Squadron Questionnaire and sent in his information. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site Dick. As always I ask (I keep asking but not too many guys respond) that if you have any memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover, Ramey or Lackland please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so it or they can be added to the site.


John B. McClain 814th CDS Feb. 1963 to Oct. 1964: Jim filled out the questionnaire from the website and sent in his information. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site John. As always we ask (I keep asking but not too many guys respond) that if you have any memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so they can be added to the site.

June, 2010


James R. Hearst 814th CDS 1964: Jim filled out the questionnaire from the website and sent in his information. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site Jim. As always, we ask that if you have any memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so they can be added to the site.

May, 2010


Michael J. Keaveny 814th CDS 1964 - 1968: Michael filled out the questionnaire from the website and sent in his information. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site Michael. As always we ask that if you have any memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so they can be added to the site.

April, 2010

Very Quiet in April, nothing new to report.

March, 2010


Ray Baker 814th CDS 1963 - 1966: Ray filled out the questionnaire from the website and sent in his information. He has been added to the growing list of Squadron Veterans that served at Westover AFB (SAC). Welcome to the site Ray. As always we ask that if you have any memorabilia or photos of your time spent at Westover or when you served at Cam Ranh Bay S. Vietnam (1966 - 1967) please consider emailing a copy to your webmaster Alan Hayes: email address: so they can be added to the site.


Robert E. Butler 814th APS/CDS 1958 - 1960 / 1961 - 1964: Bob found the website and filled out the information questionnaire. Airman Butler and Airman Hayes (your webmaster) went through AP school together (Lackland AFB 1958) then found themselves in the same Squadron for the first two years of their enlistment at Westover. After serving in Korea (1960 - 1961) Airman Butler returned to Westover for an additional 3 years (1961 - 1964) interrupted with a TDY to the Azores, Spain in 1963: then, back to Korea 1964 - 1965. Following his re-posting back to Korea he was assigned to Wright Patterson 1965 - 1966.

February, 2010


Ted Ellis: 4050th APS - 814th CDS - April 1955 to Oct 1959, dug deep into his bag of memorabilia and came up with a photo of his Basic Training Flight at Sampson AFB (1955), along with a way early visitors map of Westover, circa 1955, a photo of himself standing outside of the "A" Flight barracks (1956) and, a photo of the Honor Guard, which he was a member of, at Clark AB (June of 1961). They also can be seen on page two of Photos From The here then scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Pat Addison: has provided four (4) additional photos of his time at Westover.They can be seen on page two of Photos From The here then scroll down to the bottom of the page.

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